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Are Persian cats hypoallergenic—mystery solved

The short answer to the “Are Persian cats hypoallergenic?” conundrum is no. 

No cat is 100% hypoallergenic, not even the shorthaired Bengal or the hairless Sphynx. With long, fluffy coats that shed heavily, Persians can cause your eyes to water more than other kitties.

This doesn’t mean that you should discard the breed altogether—there are ways to become this gorgeous, flat-faced kitty’s cat parent without having a sneeze fest every time you come near them.

We’ll explain why Persians aren’t hypoallergenic, what causes cat allergies, and how to live with them despite your sensitivities. 

Why aren’t Persian cats hypoallergenic?

People assume that Persians aren’t hypoallergenic because of their thick, long coats, but that doesn’t explain why shorthaired Persians also cause allergies. The problem isn’t the hair—it’s dander. 

Dander is made up of dead skin flakes and falls off your cat’s skin. It spreads around your home and can remain in the air for a long time. 

Besides dander, common allergy triggers are:

  1. Saliva
  2. Urine and faeces
  3. Sweat
  4. Tears
  5. Mucous

If you don’t bathe your Persian often (and they utterly despise water), their fur can carry more dander than most breeds. 

They said that I made them sneeze and moved me under the stairs! I’ve been forsaken! 

Source: Dmitriy Piskarev

What causes Persian cat allergies?

All the aforementioned allergy triggers have one thing in common—they contain Fel d1—a thermostable protein present in saliva, anal glands, sebaceous glands, skin, and fur. Most people with cat allergies react to this particular allergen and only some to Fel d2 and Fel d3. Sebaceous glands (tiny oil-producing glands in cats’ skin) are the primary sources of Fel d1. 

Are Persian cats disastrous for allergy sufferers?

If you adore Persian kitties and wish to adopt one even though you suffer from allergies, you should consider the following facts:

  • Male cats tend to produce more allergen than females
  • Neutered males produce less than intact ones (similar to females)

Before adopting a cat, you should spend a day with them and monitor your reactions. If you didn’t have an allergic reaction or experienced only a mild one, it’s safe to adopt a kitty. 

If you happen to have an extreme reaction, look for another companion. Check out the following table to differentiate between mild and severe symptoms:



  • Sneezing and a runny nose
  • Red, watery, and itchy eyes
  • Itchy nose and throat
  • Cough
  • Facial pressure
  • Restless sleep
  • Swollen under-eyes
  • Hives with swelling
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest tightness or pain
  • Wheezing sound while exhaling
  • Trouble sleeping due to shortness of breath, coughing, or wheezing
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea
  • Severe skin rash

What about Persian kittens?

Kittens generally produce less Fel d1 than adult cats, but they’re not 100% hypoallergenic. Not having an allergic reaction to a newly adopted Persian kitten doesn’t guarantee that you won’t get the symptoms when they grow up. 

Persian cats and allergies—tips and tricks

Caring for a Persian kitty might not be smooth sailing if you suffer from allergies, but you can alleviate your symptoms by focusing on: 

  1. Environmental precautions
  2. Personal hygiene 
  3. Persian kitty care

Environmental precautions

Taking care of your home is essential for allergy prevention because the dander is airborne. To make sure your living space is Fel d1-free, you should:

  • Install an air filtration system (like HEPA—high-efficiency particulate air) to have a constant airflow and remove dander from your space
  • Vacuum clean your floors, carpets, drapes, and furniture to prevent allergen buildup
  • Avoid coming into contact with allergen collectors (cat toys, cat trees, climbers, etc.)
  • Train your Persian to stay away from your furniture, especially your bed 

What do you mean I can’t stay in your bed? That’s my favourite spot!


Personal hygiene

Keep your allergies at bay by:

  • Washing your hands right after petting your Persian 
  • Avoiding touching your face, eyes, and nose during playtime and right after 
  • Wearing protective gloves while grooming your cat and handling their litter box or getting someone else to do it
  • Taking allergy medications
  • Using dander-removing cat sprays and wipes
  • Washing your clothes frequently

      Persian kitty care

      Taking care of your Persian cat’s health and well-being prevents excessive shedding and reduces the amount of dander they produce. The two most important factors in feline care are grooming and a high-quality cat diet.

      How to groom a Persian cat

      Any Persian cat parent knows that their colourful, soft coats come with a price—they’re extremely high-maintenance. 

      A regular grooming routine will keep their coats shiny and beautiful but also help with allergy prevention. The more you brush your Persian, the less dander will end up in your living space. 

      Keep the allergens away by:

      1. Brushing your Persian outside—Persian cats’ voluminous fur will spread throughout your house during grooming sessions. Brushing them outside will allow you to breathe freely and return to a clean, dander-free home. Ideally, you should brush your Persian daily to prevent tangling and matting of the coat. If your allergies are getting in the way, take your furry friend to a grooming salon
      2. Wiping your kitty’s coat with a damp cloth—Wipe your Persian’s coat in the direction of the hair growth. It’ll help get rid of any dander that brushing failed to remove
      3. Bathing your Persian as often as they let you—Persians hate to bathe. It can make them go from friendly to violent in mere seconds. For this reason, it’s recommended to bathe them once every two to three months. Use soap powder or dry mousse for the periods between baths. If you’ve adopted a kitten, try to get them accustomed to bathing as early as possible to avoid temper tantrums 

      Don’t you come near me with that shampoo. I’m not falling for your tricks again!

      Source: Sergey Semin

      How can quality cat food help manage cat allergies?

      In nature, cats used to hunt small animals, such as birds, mice, and slugs, to survive. Their dietary requirements have stayed the same after they’ve been domesticated. You should mimic their natural diet to prevent shedding and related skin problems, maintain their overall health, and increase their life expectancy. Their diet should contain:

      1. Animal protein—Your Persian’s diet should contain at least 50% animal protein to get the essential amino acids, such as taurine, arginine, and histidine, that help maintain a silky and healthy coat, assist the immune system, and help build muscle and bones. Being obligate carnivores, cats thrive on meat, while a plant-based diet based primarily on vegetables, such as peas, carrots, and sweetcorn, doesn’t contain sufficient amounts of the required micronutrients. Veggies are also tough to digest, especially for sensitive and picky Persians. Your cat’s diet should be rich in lean meat and fish, including chicken, liver, turkey, salmon, tuna, shrimp, and mackerel 
      2. Animal fat—It contains fatty acids that promote skin health, support metabolic processes, and enable a proper inflammatory response. Fat also makes cat food delicious, so even the fussiest of kitties who refuse wet food go wild for the taste
      3. Vitamins and minerals—These micronutrients hydrate the skin, keep cats’ coats shiny, and regulate shedding. There’s no need for supplements, as high-quality meat already contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals

      Soooo, what are we having today?

      Source: Dan Wayman

      What food to avoid

      Maintaining skin and coat health isn’t only about feeding your Persian cat the right nutrients. It’s also about avoiding the wrong ones, so steer clear of:

      Wet or dry—which food is better for your Persian’s skin and coat?

      Wet food should be the primary source of nutrients for your Persian, as it usually contains better quality ingredients than dry food and has over 70% moisture. A daily dose will help keep your cat’s skin and fur healthy and hydrated.

      Dry food is typically high in calories and contains too many carbs derived from sugar, cereals, and grains, which should have no place in your Persian’s diet. Feeding your cat only dry food can lead to:

      You can mix kibble with soup and broth to rehydrate it, but make sure to incorporate it into a balanced diet, primarily consisting of canned food. 

      Keep your kitty’s shedding under control with Untamed

      Untamed keeps your cat’s coat healthy, which should help with your allergies. Our gravy and jelly recipes made with premium ingredients are free from:

      • Meat derivatives
      • Plant proteins
      • Grains
      • Sugar
      • Additives

      Untamed’s priority is your Persian’s health, so we guarantee the following benefits:



      Exclusively animal proteins

      Untamed offers twice as much protein as most other cat food manufacturers

      Balanced nutrition

      All our recipes have been formulated by vets to ensure the right amount of essential nutrients 

      No known allergens

      Taste enhancers are not on our menu—Untamed products are free from preservatives, grains, dairy, and other common allergens

      Easily digestible dishes

      We steam our meat and fish to keep the biological value and taste and get rid of harmful pathogens

      Take our Try Now questionnaire to find out which products would fit your Persian the most!

      Untamed doesn’t discriminate—it’s fit for all breeds, ages, and sizes, including:

      Let Untamed’s premium meals help your Persian’s coat shine and your allergies subside. 

      Image (c) Untamed

      Benefits you should expect after switching to Untamed

      Our clients reported the following changes after letting their cats go Untamed:



      One week

      • Improved digestion
      • Less messy litter box
      • Regular bowel movement

      Two months

      Four months

      After six months

      How to join the Untamed clowder?

      Get your kitty a taster pack online and see them jump with joy! Here’s what you should do:

      1. Take our Try Now quiz
      2. Select the products
      3. Place the order

      Our services come with great benefits, including:

      We are proud of our ethical production and run a carbon footprint neutral business. Our packaging is 100% recyclable, while each can of Untamed contains only cruelty-free meat and dolphin-safe fish!