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Average Siberian cat lifespan—all you need to know

If you have always wanted a semi-long-haired feline companion, a Siberian cat might be the right fit for you. But it's not all about the looks—there's much more to learn about the breed before bringing a kitty into your home.

Your new family member's temperament, potential health issues, and life expectancy also play a vital role.

To help you make the best decision, Untamed explains all the factors affecting a Siberian cat's lifespan—from lifestyle and diet to common health problems.

How long do Siberian cats live?

Siberian cats usually live from 10 to 18 years. It is a significant range, so cat parents can drastically affect how long their kitties stay with them.

Since Siberians are generally healthy, with proper care, they can easily reach old age and even surpass their average life expectancy.

What are the factors affecting a Siberian cat's lifespan?

Genetics and many environmental and lifestyle factors can impact your Siberian cat’s lifespan.

Source: Inge Wallumrød

A Siberian cat's lifespan depends on several factors, such as:

  1. Genetics
  2. Health problems
  3. Quality of care
  4. Sterilisation status
  5. Physical activity
  6. Stress
  7. Lifestyle
  8. Diet

Genetics and Siberian cats' life expectancy

If you are taking a Siberian kitten from a breeder, you should check whether they are reputable. Good breeders screen their queens and studs for genetic issues and hereditary diseases to ensure their kittens are healthy. They also make sure kittens get the necessary vaccines and provide them and their mothers with excellent care before new cat parents come to pick them up.

Kittens whose parents lived a long life generally have a higher life expectancy.

Siberian cat health problems

Siberians are healthy and sturdy, but there is one serious disease typically associated with this breed—hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM).

This heart condition causes the thickening of the heart ventricle. As a result, the heart works harder to pump blood through the body. If left untreated, it can lead to heart failure, but if caught early, it can be successfully managed with the right medication and a controlled diet.

It is crucial to note that obese Siberians are at a higher risk of this disease.

Besides HCM, Siberians may also suffer from:

Quality of care

Regular vet checks are a must to detect health issues before they become serious.

Source: RODNAE Productions

Cats can suffer from a medical condition long before the first symptoms appear. This is especially true for active and sturdy breeds, such as Siberians. In some cases, when the first symptoms become evident, the disease has progressed significantly, and it becomes pretty challenging to keep it under control.

That’s why it is imperative to schedule regular vet visits. Many diseases can be cured, prevented, or successfully managed if caught early.

Sterilisation status

Besides preventing unwanted litter, there are several benefits of sterilising your Siberian cat.

Males will be less prone to fighting and roaming away from home searching for a female in heat. Unneutered males frequently fight over territory or females and sustain wounds that can get infected. Neutering also prevents testicular cancer and reduces the risk of prostate problems.

In the case of females, the risk of reproductive system-related health issues drops to zero after spaying.

Interestingly, while most other felines struggle with weight management after sterilisation, fixed Siberian cats tend to grow bigger but not fatter than the intact ones. Regardless, you should pay attention to how much and what you feed your Siberian.

Physical activity

Encouraging your Siberian to exercise regularly will ensure their muscles, ligaments, and joints develop properly and stay in excellent condition. Get them to chase a laser pointer or an electric mouse or play fetch with them. These kitties are super intelligent and will quickly learn and enjoy the games. Their temperament is almost dog-like, so they will probably love playing fetch.

The more active your Siberian is, the more physically fit they will be. A lazy kitty is susceptible to obesity, which can lead to lethargy and other lifespan-reducing diseases, such as:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Arthritis


Would you please stop invading my personal space?

Source: RODNAE Productions

The most common stressors for felines include:

  • New family members
  • Noise
  • Other pets
  • Moving homes
  • Inappropriate handling

Your kitty must have a safe space where they can go to enjoy solitude. It must be a quiet place away from the foot traffic where your Siberian will go to destress when they feel overwhelmed.

Here are the common symptoms of stress in felines:

Life style

I know I’m safe inside, but I adore the great outdoors.

Source: Pixabay

Cats who reside indoors generally live longer. An indoor kitty can easily reach 18, whereas an outdoor cat lives up to five years. That's because indoor felines are safe from common outside dangers, such as:

  • Traffic
  • Predators
  • Catfights
  • Bad weather

Born to survive the harsh climate, Siberian cats don't mind the cold and would love to go outside, which could even be beneficial for them because they would get more exercise. If you decide to let your feline friend play outside, it would be best to create an enclosed outdoor space to keep them safe.


Food tremendously affects your Siberian's longevity, mood, and health. Besides obesity, an unhealthy diet can lead to serious problems, such as:

The best diet for your Siberian should closely mimic what they would eat in the wild. That is primarily animal protein. In nature, cats catch mice, birds, slugs, lizards, and large insects. That is where they get most of the water as well.

For domesticated cats, meat-based wet food containing 70–80% moisture will do.

It would be best to avoid dry food because it is:

  1. Less hydratingKibble only contains about 10% moisture, which is not enough, especially since felines aren't big drinkers. Dehydration can lead to frequent urinary infections, bladder stones, cystitis, and kidney problems
  2. More processed—Dry food contains a lot of additives and dehydrated ingredients
  3. Full of filler ingredients—Kibble has a lot of carbohydrates, such as vegetables and grains, which often implies that there is less meat in the product. Lower-quality dry food also contains animal derivatives and other questionable ingredients, including eggs, which are a common allergen. Subpar products can cause:
    1. Gastrointestinal problems (diarrhoea, vomiting, irritable bowel syndrome, flatulence)
    2. Weight gain (because of excess carbs)
    3. Food allergies (many felines are sensitive to grains, eggs, dairy, and additives)

How to pick the right food for your Siberian?

When in doubt, pick meat.

Image (c) Untamed

As obligate carnivores, cats can only eat and properly process meat. They can't get enough nutrients (protein and fat), vitamins, and minerals from other food. It is best seen in the biological values of various ingredients. The biological value indicates how efficiently felines can extract the essential nutrients from a specific food item.

Check out the details in the table below:


Biological value



The food you pick for your Siberian should have meat as the number one ingredient. In general, the fewer ingredients the cat food has, the better.

How can Untamed help extend your Siberian cat's lifespan?

If you are looking for high-quality, well-balanced wet food for your Siberian, look no further than Untamed!

We have created delicious meals that match felines' dietary needs perfectly and help keep them healthy and fit.

All Untamed dishes are:

Order Untamed today and keep your Siberian cat healthy, happy, and fit for years to come!

How to order Untamed for your Siberian

Your Untamed trial pack can be at your doorstep in a day!

Image (c) Untamed

Order the healthiest meals for your kitty online in three easy steps!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Take our online quiz
  2. Pick the products your Siberian will enjoy
  3. Place the order

The trial pack will arrive at your doorstep in a day. Your Siberian can dig into their first Untamed tin immediately, and once they go through the entire selection and decide what they like the most, we can start sending you monthly supplies of their favourites.

You will notice impressive results once you switch your feline companion to Untamed. Here is what our clients reported:


What Untamed can achieve

After one week

  • Tidier litter tray
  • Easy digestion

After two months

  • Better mood
  • Less shedding
  • Better muscle tone

Within four months
