Can cats eat peas? Get the facts with Untamed
Cats aren’t typically fans of veggies and fruits, but they can have bizarre food preferences. If your cat shows interest in peas, should you let them have a bite?
You can add certain fruits and vegetables to your feline’s diet for variety but do it in moderation. Cats are carnivorous animals, so at least 50% of their diet must be animal protein, while fat shouldn’t exceed 20% of their daily food intake, and carbs should be under 3%.
Can cats eat peas? Find out the truth in our comprehensive guide.
Peas are a great source of vitamins and minerals for humans, but do they offer any benefit to your feline friend?
Source: R Khalil
Are peas the perfect snack?
Peas are among the safest veggies for cats, but a perfect treat for your feline is meat.
According to some vets, peas can be an acceptable snack for your cat since they are low in calories, but you have to give them sparingly.
The vegetable contains the following vitamins and minerals:
- Vitamin B1
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin C
- Iron
- Potassium
- Copper
- Manganese
Even though peas are packed with all the good stuff, your cat might not benefit significantly from them. Cats should get all their nutrients from meat as their bodies do not process fruits and veggies as easily.
If your cat has some digestive issues, feeding them a few peas could help because of the high fibre content. You should stick to fresh or frozen peas because, as convenient as they are, canned peas are usually high in sodium, which can be dangerous for cats.
What types of peas can you feed your cat?
You can feed your cat any type of peas, including:
- Garden peas
- Snap peas
- Snow peas
Here are the safest ways to serve them:
Type |
Also known as |
Serve |
Shell or whole |
Garden peas |
Sweet peas or English peas |
Cooked or raw |
Shell |
Snap peas |
Sugar snap peas |
Cooked or raw |
Whole |
Snow peas |
Chinese pea pods |
Cooked or raw |
Shell |
When offering your cat garden or snow peas, always remove them from the pod because pods are not easy to digest and can cause an upset stomach. Pods can also be a choking hazard.
The only peas safe for your cat to eat with the pod are snap peas.
In terms of preparation, both cooked and raw peas are fine. If you decide to give your cat cooked peas, steam them plain. You might enjoy your peas seasoned with garlic, onions, and salt, but these ingredients are toxic to your kitty.
A few frozen peas can be a refreshing snack on a hot day. Make sure they aren’t too hard because they might damage your cat’s teeth.
Even if your cat likes peas, don’t let them eat too much. The vegetable is rich in carbs and could lead to gastrointestinal issues or obesity if consumed regularly.
Can Cats Eat Mushy Peas?
Fresh, frozen, and cooked peas are safe for your feline friend to snack on, but can cats eat mushy peas?
That depends on what else is in the dish. As previously mentioned, anything that comes out of a can is a no-no since human canned food is typically high in salt. If your quirky cat likes mushy peas, an unseasoned, homemade variant is the safest for them.
Boil or steam a few peas, mash them up with a fork and don’t add any seasoning. It might sound unappetising, but it is the only way for your cat to enjoy their peas without getting ill.
What About Pea Soup?
Standard pea soups usually come with heavy seasoning, and the herbs and spices may cause digestive issues in your cat.
You could mix plain, steamed peas with some bone broth or chicken soup to make a healthy snack for your furry companion.

Oh no, not the mushy peas! Do better, hooman!
Source: Matthias Oben
Can my cat have an adverse reaction to peas?
Cats can react badly to peas or any other food. It can be a mild case of indigestion or an allergic reaction, so give them the tiniest bit first to check if they can handle it.
Peas contain lecithin, a sugar-binding protein used as an insecticide. It is not toxic to cats but can upset their stomach, especially if they eat too much.
Allergies are more concerning, so watch out for the following symptoms:
If your cat shows these symptoms after eating peas, take them to the vet immediately.
Are there other fruits and veggies I can give to my cat?
Check out which fruits and vegetables are safe and which should be avoided in the following table:
Safe vegetables |
Vegetables to avoid |
Safe fruit |
Fruit to avoid |
Even though certain fruits and vegetables are safe, they offer almost no nutritional value since cats can’t process them effectively. Safe plant-based food should not be part of your cat’s diet if they suffer from diabetes, bladder stones, and kidney disease. Cats with health issues should follow a strict protein diet to prevent their condition from getting worse. Before introducing anything new, talk to your vet to ensure it is safe.
Don’t forget to wash fruits and vegetables carefully to remove any pesticides from the skin. Remove stems, leaves, and seeds as well. The stems and leaves are potentially harmful and could upset your cat’s tummy, and seeds are a choking hazard. Always cut food into little, bite-sized pieces because they are easier to chew and swallow.
Never offer your cat food with onion or garlic because they can cause oxidative damage to your cat's red blood cells leading to hemolytic anaemia.
Rhubarb is high in soluble oxalates and toxic to cats. If your kitty eats rhubarb, the soluble oxalates will bind to the calcium in their blood, leading to hypocalcemia.
Citrus fruits contain essential oils like linalool and limonene, which are toxic to cats. If your feline eats citrus fruits, they are likely to develop an upset tummy. If the fruit comes into contact with their skin, it will probably cause irritation.
Grapes and raisins are also toxic to cats. In extreme cases, grapes can cause kidney failure, while milder symptoms include vomiting and diarrhoea.
What other food is on the no-no list?
The following products are also dangerous for cats:
- Milk and other dairy products—Contrary to popular belief, the majority of cats are lactose intolerant and cannot process dairy. Giving your cat milk or any dairy product can cause gastrointestinal problems
- Alcohol—Ethanol is toxic to cats and can damage their nervous system. Consuming alcohol can cause liver failure and death
- Caffeine—It affects the gastrointestinal tract causing diarrhoea and vomiting but also influences your cat’s nervous and cardiovascular system leading to tremors and seizures
- Chocolate—It contains theobromine which is toxic to cats. Symptoms of poisoning include tremors, seizures and abnormal heart rate
- Raw dough and yeast—While tiny bits of baked bread are fine, the yeast in raw bread is toxic to cats and can lead to severe bloating and twisting of the stomach
Check out our other guides to what cats can or cannot eat:
Animal protein keeps your cat healthy and happy
A perfect cat diet consists of:
- Animal protein
- Animal fat
- Water
- Vitamins and minerals
Felines cannot digest plant protein properly, so even a high-quality vegan diet is bad for your furry friend. The best ingredients in your cat’s meal are:
- Chicken
- Liver
- Turkey
- Duck
- Prawns
- Salmon
- Tuna
- Shrimp
Chicken and turkey contain the right amounts of protein and fat, so they are the top-notch nutrient sources for your cat.
Cats can synthesise vitamins C and K, but other essential micronutrients must come from their food. Liver is an excellent source of vitamins A, D, and E. It is also high in iron, making it a healthy snack for your cat if consumed moderately. Frequent consumption can cause vitamin A toxicity in your cat, so it’s best to give it only once a week.
Fish and crustaceans are also superb because of healthy fatty acids, so always include them in your feline’s meal plan. To add variety to your feline friend’s snacks, give them tiny pieces of ham or some bone broth.
May I have a bite to eat, please?
Source: Marko Blazevic
Cat food variants and how to choose the best one
There are three main types of cat food available in stores:
Dry food, also known as kibble, is the cheapest of the three. While your kitty may like it, it is not the healthiest option. Kibble has the lowest percentage of water, so cat parents usually add broth or soup to kitty biscuits to keep their cat hydrated.
Semi-moist food contains a higher percentage of water than dry food but is high in salt and sugar and often contains artificial colouring and flavouring. It has a soft, chewy texture. Like dry food, it’s not suitable for cats with health issues.
Wet food closely resembles your cat’s natural diet. It has a soft consistency and the highest percentage of moisture. Cat’s tend to like it, and it’s available as jelly and gravy. Wet food is the best option for cats at every life stage.
Need to convince your cat?
Regardless of how nutritious it is, some cats refuse wet food because they got used to cat kibble during kittenhood. Cats are creatures of habit and reluctant to try new things, but there may also be an underlying issue that has made them go off wet food.
It’s vital to pay attention to your cat’s eating habits because they point out potential medical and behavioural issues. If you've ruled out any conditions that have caused your feline friend to lose their appetite, try cutting down on snacks, which should not exceed 10% of your cat’s daily food intake.
Can I give raw food to my cat?
Wild cats hunt and eat fresh prey, but raw food isn’t suitable for domestic cats. Meat from the human supply chain is frequently frozen and defrosted, so it’s susceptible to pathogens. Your cat can also transmit harmful bacteria to the entire household if they get infected.
Even if your kitty adores raw chicken, cook it before serving. Gently steaming the food maintains the nutrient content and preserves the flavour, so your feline’s dinner won’t taste bland.
Untamed makes the healthiest and tastiest meals for your cat!
If you’re looking for nutritious and delicious food, check out what Untamed has to offer.
Your cat will only eat the best because:
- We make our food from whole, human-grade quality meat (chicken breast, liver, tuna, salmon, duck, shrimp, sardines, and mackerel), which is easy to digest and full of essential amino acids like taurine
- Our recipes are vet-formulated. Every dish will meet your cat’s nutritional needs
- Untamed food contains two times more protein than the industry standard
- Even the fussiest felines cannot resist our tasty delights
We are confident that our recipes will tickle the senses of every feline. Here are some of our most popular dishes:
Recipe |
Description |
Chocka Chicken in Gravy |
Tuck-in Tuna with Shrimp in Gravy |
Tuck-in Tuna with Salmon in Jelly |
Let your cat go Untamed
Untamed enables effortless ordering of cat food online. All you need to do to get your customised taster pack is:
- Visit our Try Now page
- Give us your cat’s deets. We want to know everything!
- Pick a meal plan and place your order
That’s it! The goods will be delivered to your door in a day, and the shipping is free.
If your cat enjoys our delicacies (and we know they will), we can initiate monthly cat food deliveries—you'll receive a fresh batch of Untamed every month. You are welcome to change, pause, or cancel your order whenever you want.
Untamed cat food is super convenient. All you need to do is open the can and serve the meal to your cat. Our meals don’t require freezing and defrosting or adding supplements to meet your cat’s nutritional requirements.
Untamed is suitable for cats of all breeds—Ragdolls, Siamese, Persian, Main Coon, and Bengal kitties thrive on our delicacies. It doesn't matter whether you're sharing your home with a kitten, adult, or senior—our products support your feline friend at every life stage because we don't use meat derivatives, vegetables, grains, or any other useless fillers.
All this for me? You shouldn’t have!
Image (c) Untamed
What can I give to my allergy-prone cat?
Our food is minimally processed and highly digestible. We don’t use artificial flavours or preservatives likely to wreak havoc in your cat’s stomach. If your kitty has a sensitive tummy, opt for single-protein dishes like plain Chocka Chicken or Tuck-in Tuna.
More reasons to love Untamed
We are environmentally friendly and ensure our operations leave a neutral carbon footprint. Our packaging is 100% recyclable, and we source our meats and fish from sustainable suppliers.
Untamed has a shelf life of up to three years, and our meals are gently steamed to lock in the nutrients and preserve the delicious flavour.
Your fussy eater will look forward to meals with this yummy dish!
Image (c) Untamed
What can you expect after switching to Untamed?
Cat parents say they could see the benefits almost immediately after switching to Untamed. Here’s what to expect:
Time enjoying Untamed |
What to expect |
One week |
Two months |
Four months |
Six months and longer |