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Can cats eat pineapple? Find out here!

Pineapple is widely popular in the human diet—we use it for cocktails, delicious pies, or as a healthy sweet treat on a hot summer day. Cat parents can benefit from eating this fruit in many ways, but can cats eat pineapple? Untamed delves into the matter.

Besides exploring the nutritional value of pineapple for cats, we’ll also tell you more about the optimal feline diet, i.e. what they should eat and what food they should stay away from.

What’s in a pineapple?

You can check out the nutrient profile of pineapple in the table below:


Amount per 165 grams


1 g


1.7 g


21.6 g


2.3 g

Total calories


Pineapple overflows with vitamins C and B complex and various minerals, including manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium, and iron.

What’s that interesting fruit, human? I want to try it!

Source: blende12

Can I give pineapple to my cat?

Cats can eat pineapple, but it won't benefit them in any way. Your feline friend is an obligate carnivore, which means that their natural diet consists of animal protein, animal fat, vitamins, and minerals. 

Pineapple and other fruit or vegetables may be rich in vitamins and minerals, but cats cannot absorb these nutrients properly because their digestive tract is designed to process meat. Vegan or vegetarian diets are not appropriate for your furry friend. In case your cat is a pineapple fan, you can offer it in moderation and occasionally. If served sparingly, the fruit can benefit your furry friend because it’s rich in fibre and might help with some gastrointestinal issues, including constipation.

Don’t be surprised if your furry friend shows no interest in pineapples because this fruit isn’t particularly alluring to felines. They may take a bite out of curiosity, but cats don’t have any sweet taste receptors, so the delightful taste is lost on them.

Even if your feline likes pineapple, don’t overfeed them because the fruit is high in fructose, and overconsumption can lead to diabetes and obesity. Keep in mind that your kitty’s diet shouldn’t contain more than 3% carbs. Fruits, veggies, and grains, such as rice, corn, and barley, should be reduced to a minimum.

How to safely feed pineapple to your kitty

If your kitty shows interest in pineapple, follow the steps below to serve it properly:

  1. Peel the skin and remove leaves, thorns, and rind
  2. Wash the pineapple in water
  3. Cut the fruit into small, bite-sized cubes (about the size of a cat biscuit)
  4. Keep an eye on your furry friend for potential allergic reactions

Before treating your cat to some chopped pineapples, consult your vet, especially if your feline suffers from a chronic condition, such as diabetes.

Can cats eat canned pineapple?

You shouldn’t give canned pineapple to your cat because of the excess sugar in the product. Canned pineapple may contain syrup, sugar, preservatives, and artificial taste enhancers, and frequent consumption may lead to diabetes, obesity, and dental decay in cats.


Canned pineapple is processed and contains sugary syrup that is bad for cats!

Source: Any Lane

Can kittens eat pineapple?

Pineapple doesn’t provide any essential nutrients to kittens, but you can offer it occasionally after they are weaned off. While not toxic, the fruit can be too heavy on a sensitive kitten stomach, causing vomiting and diarrhoea. It’s best not to get your kitten used to treats because they might start rejecting dry or wet food later in life.

Kittens need cat milk to sustain their development, but if their mother isn’t present, don’t give them store-bought milk because it’s not a suitable substitute. It’s best to feed them kitten replacer formula. 

Your kitten will start to grow their first teeth at around three weeks of age. This is the perfect time to start them on solid food

Kittens need a high-calorie diet based on animal protein, and you shouldn’t feed them iffy adult cat food because low-quality products won't meet your kitten's nutritional needs. They need a well-balanced diet with the following nutrient ratio to develop healthily:


Recommended amount

Animal protein

Over 50%

Animal fat

Up to 20%


Less than 3%

If you want to give treats to your kitten, it’s best to opt for tiny bits of cooked fish and lean meat, such as:

  • Chicken
  • Liver
  • Duck
  • Turkey
  • Salmon
  • Cod
  • Tuna
  • Mackerel
  • Prawns
  • Sardines

When your kitten gets older, you can also offer them pork and beef, but keep the amount minimal as these meats contain too much fat. Your cat will probably love ham and bacon, but cured deli meats are high in fat and sodium, so offer them as special treats or taste enhancers in regular meals. Too much sodium can lead to cystitis and struvite crystals.

The best treat for your kitty is meat, especially chicken!

Image (c) Untamed

Pineapple is not great, but what should cats eat?

As obligate carnivores, cats thrive on:

  • Animal protein
  • Animal fat
  • Vitamins and minerals

Animal protein contains essential amino acids, like taurine and arginine, crucial for good eyesight, a healthy reproductive system, efficient immune response, normal blood pressure, and regular bowel movement. Protein is also the best energy source for cats.

Animal fat is another viable energy source, and it’s delicious to felines. It is crucial for maintaining coat and skin health.

Vitamins and minerals support enzyme function. Without them, feline metabolism wouldn’t be able to work properly. 

Cat food types

There are two popular types of cat food on the market—dry and wet cat food. Let’s examine both, so you can decide which one is better for your feline companion.

Dry food

Kitty biscuits are the most affordable option, so many cat parents base their feline companions’ diets on them. Some vets also claim that this food helps with oral hygiene. Cat kibble is, unfortunately, not ideal for your cat. 

Dry cat food is typically made by mixing meat derivatives, vegetables, and grains. Heavy processing tends to destroy whatever nutritional value the subpar ingredients had. The final product is high in carbs and low in moisture. That’s why cat kibble can cause obesity and dehydration.

The product may be beneficial for senior felines who need to gain weight, but even then, you should consider mixing it with wet food. That way, your senior will get all the essential nutrients and a calorie boost.

Wet food

Wet food is the best option for cats as it usually contains all the essential nutrients cats need to thrive. Since it’s high in moisture, it will keep your kitty hydrated and satiated.

Most vets agree that wet food resembles the feline natural diet. Indoor kitties who sometimes hunt mice and insects will appreciate wet food as it will make them feel like they’re eating fresh prey. Regular portions of wet food will help felines maintain their metabolism and gastrointestinal health.

If you have a fussy kitty who refuses to switch from dry to wet food, we have a few tips on making the change go smoothly. Mix the kibble with soup or broth and add a bit of wet food. Start increasing the amount of wet food and decreasing biscuits gradually until dry food is phased out.

Once you go Untamed, you will never go back!

Image (c) Untamed

A switch to Untamed is effortless!

If you want to keep your kitty fit and happy, Untamed is the best option! Our food is made to fit your feline friend’s nutritional requirements perfectly. We use premium cuts of human-grade meat from sustainable sources. Untamed food production involves no cruelty to animals and comes in 100% recyclable packaging. Our business leaves a neutral carbon footprint.

We designed our recipes in collaboration with vets to create complete and balanced meals that will suit your cat's unique biology, whether they’re a Persian, Siamese, Bengal, Ragdoll, Maine Coon, British Shorthair, or a Russian Blue.

Untamed is the perfect choice for your furball because it is:

  • Rich in protein—The protein content in a single portion of Untamed food is two times higher than the industry standard. We don’t use vegetables, meat derivatives, artificial taste enhancers, or other harmful ingredients
  • Hypoallergenic—Our dishes don’t contain common allergens
  • Impossible to resist—Untamed food is delicious and alluring because we don’t compromise on taste. As soon as you open a can, your kitty will dig in
  • Full of nutrients—As we gently cook our dishes, we preserve the bioavailability of the ingredients and keep the flavour intact
  • Soft—Untamed food is soft, so it’s perfect for kitties with no teeth

If you want to give Untamed a go, take our TRY NOW quiz and place your first order at the best price!

Why should you give Untamed a try?

Here’s a timeline of expected health benefits of a continual Untamed diet as reported by our happy clients:


Health benefits

One week

  • Tidy litter tray
  • Regulated bowel movement

Two months

  • Normal shedding
  • Slick coat
  • Improved oral hygiene

Four months

  • Optimal muscle tone
  • Fewer hairballs
  • Seamless digestion
  • Stronger bones

Lifelong benefits

  • Natural weight control
  • Overall stable health
  • Efficient immune response

How to order Untamed’s taster pack

If you decide to throw a feast for your kitty—go to our cat food sale platform online and follow the steps below to get Untamed at a killer price:

  1. Take our Try Now quiz to tell us more about your feline friend
  2. Select a tailor-made meal plan for your kitty
  3. Place the order

We will deliver your first Untamed pack within a day with free shipping. If your furball likes our delicacies, we will replenish your supplies around the same time every month. We honour your changing needs—you may alter, pause, or cancel your order from your account whenever you like! Check out our fantastic cat food subscription today!

You’ll get your personalised taster pack within a day, and shipping is free!

Image (c) Untamed

Pineapples aren’t toxic, but what about other fruits?

If your furry friend likes fruit, you can offer it as a treat sparingly. Some fruits are harmful to cats, so check out what to avoid in the following sections.

Fruit cats shouldn’t eat

The following fruit can be super harmful to your feline companion:

  • Grapes and raisins—Consumption of grapes and raisins can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, and lethargy, but also some severe conditions, such as depression and kidney failure
  • Citrus fruits—Limes, lemons, oranges, and other citrus fruits can be dangerous because they lead to serious gastrointestinal problems

Fruit kitties can eat

You may offer the following to your kitty as an occasional treat:

  • Bananas—Bananas are high in fibre (2.6 grams per serving) and have many micronutrients, such as vitamin B6, vitamin C, and potassium. If you’re serving banana to your furry friend, cut it into small pieces
  • Strawberries—This fruit contains vitamin C, folates, potassium, and manganese. Its fibre content is around 2 grams per serving. When giving strawberries to your kitty, remove stems and leaves and cut the fruit into bite-sized pieces
  • Apples—Apple flesh is high in calcium, vitamins K and C, and the skin is rich in antioxidants. Wash the apple, remove stem and leaves, and chop it into small pieces when offering it to your kitty
  • Raspberries—This fruit is high in vitamins A, C, E, B6, and minerals, such as iron, calcium, and manganese. Don’t offer more than one raspberry every few weeks
  • Mango—This exotic fruit is high in vitamins C, B6, and A. If you want to serve it to your feline companion, remove the skin and seeds and cut it into small cubes
  • Watermelon—Watermelon is rich in potassium and vitamins C, A, and B5. When serving it, remove seeds and rind and cut it into small pieces
  • Cantaloupe—This fruit attracts cats because it smells like meat to them. It contains vitamin C, beta carotene, and antioxidants. Remove the rind and cut it into small pieces before serving

Make sure to offer safe fruits in tiny portions as cats won’t be able to digest larger amounts properly, which can lead to vomiting, diarrhoea, and digestion issues. Keep in mind that all plants are high in fibre, which can satiate your cat and lead to the rejection of their regular food.

Can cats eat vegetables?

Consult the table to find out which vegetables are safe for feline consumption and which are a no-no in their diet:

Vegetables cats can eat

Vegetables cats shouldn’t eat

Allium vegetables are the most dangerous for cats because they attack and destroy feline red blood cells. Veggies from this family, such as onions, garlic, shallots, etc., should never be offered to cats. The same goes for related commercial products, including garlic and onion powder or any dish containing them.

What other popular human products you should avoid

Fruits and vegetables mentioned above aren’t the only items to avoid. If you prepare homemade meals for your furry friend, skip the following:

  1. Raw food—While it may seem that the bones and raw food (B.A.R.F.) are appropriate for natural-born predators like cats, many veterinarians and nutritionists disagree with this approach. Raw meat and eggs can contain harmful bacteria, such as Listeria, Salmonella, and E. coli, which can be lethal to cats. There is also the risk of cross-contamination, so your feline friend isn’t the only one in danger. Raw cat food requires specific and complicated sanitary protocols, so raw chicken or any other meat is not the best or most convenient option for your feline
  2. Caffeine—Coffee, tea, and other products containing caffeine are toxic to cats. Consuming caffeine can lead to restlessness, irregular heartbeat, difficulty breathing, and muscle tremors. Too much caffeine can even be lethal to your kitty, so keep these products safely locked
  3. Alcohol—Ethanol is poisonous to cats. Even the tiniest amounts can lead to seizures, tremors, liver and kidney failure, coma, and death. Alcoholic beverages and food containing alcohol are strictly forbidden to cats
  4. Dairy—Most cats cannot digest milk, cheese, and other dairy products properly because they lack the enzyme to process lactose. You may offer some plain yoghurt to your kitty occasionally as it is a natural probiotic, but other than that, your feline friend is better off without dairy
  5. Chocolate—Even though it might be tempting to share this human delicacy with your feline friend, don’t do it. Cocoa is a major allergen, and sugar can cause various health issues. Chocolate also contains caffeine, which is toxic to cats
  6. Wild mushroomsMushrooms from the human supply chain can be served to cats, but you should avoid wild mushrooms. They can be highly poisonous to both humans and felines. If you’re taking a stroll in the forest with your kitty, make sure that they don’t nibble on a wild mushroom

Check out our other guides to what cats can or cannot eat:


Ice cream



Peppermint oil




Baby food


Almond milk



Sweet potato





Raw chicken







Peanut butter













Raw meat


Soy milk













Lactose-free milk

Adult cat food








Olive oil