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Are Siamese cats friendly? Learn all about the Siamese cat’s character!

Are Siamese cats friendly? Yes, and incredibly so. The Siamese cat is one of the most affectionate, sociable, and good-natured breeds. They are also needy and crave human attention. Many Siamese cat parents say these felines can form strong connections with their humans, which makes them wonderful companions.

While loving and cuddly, Siamese cats are also highly active and intelligent. Deprive them of cognitive stimulation, and they will quickly get bored and resort to undesirable and unfriendly behaviour. To help you prevent that, Untamed teaches you all about the friendly feline. In this article, you will read about the breed’s personality traits and learn how to care for your feline companion properly, so they stay happy and friendly.

Do Siamese cats make good companions?

From kittenhood to old age, Siamese cats keep their kitten-like personality and playfulness, which is why they can be fantastic furry friends. They are:

  1. Affectionate and sociable
  2. Intelligent and easy to train
  3. Great with kids

Siamese cats are affectionate and sociable

Wake up! I miss you!

Source: Polly Alexandra

Similarly to Ragdolls, Sphynx, and Maine Coons, Siamese cats love and need human companionship more than most other breeds. They are not wary of strangers and will quickly start interacting with them. Siamese cats are super affectionate, and they show their love in many ways, including:

Signs of affection


Purring and meowing

These felines are vocal, and they will purr and chirp to show affection

Blinking slowly

When your cat does this, they are sending you kisses

Cheek rubbing

If your Siamese rubs their cheeks against you, they tell you they want to cuddle

Head bunting

This is a way for your feline to show love and leave their scent on you

Following you everywhere

Siamese cats are known for their dog-like behaviour, and they will follow you around the house to show they love your company

Twisting their tail around you

Like dogs, Siamese cats use their tails to convey different emotions, such as affection, anger, and fear. If your feline companion twists their tail around your leg, it's a clear sign they are happy, and they trust you

Never question a Siamese cat’s intelligence

Siamese cats are brilliant and curious. They will find ways to open your cupboards, drawers, and wardrobes and rummage through in search of fun and treats. Leave anything lying around your home, and it will become an object of close inspection.

This incredible curiosity could make your Siamese eat something they shouldn’t, such as:

That’s why you should keep harmful items locked, so your cat can’t reach them.

Okay. I’d say coffee was a mistake. 

Source: Dagmara Dombrovska

While Siamese cats' intelligence and curiosity can get them into trouble, it also makes them easy to train. You can easily teach your feline to:

  • Jump through hoops
  • Fetch
  • High-five
  • Sit on command

Clicker training is an excellent approach. To reinforce good behaviour, make a sound with the clicker immediately after your cat has done what you wanted and reward them with praise and a treat.

Enough training. I need to sleep now. 

Source: Felice Wölke

Training your cat is a fantastic bonding opportunity and a perfect way to provide your clever Siamese with the cognitive stimulation and exercise they need to stay friendly and happy.

Siamese cats and children—a match made in heaven?

If you have small kids, you don't need to worry. Being kitten-like themselves, Siamese cats love children. It isn't uncommon for a Siamese to stoically withstand wearing a dress or being held upside down.

While Siamese cats will be forgiving of mischievous behaviours, it is crucial to teach kids how to treat cats. No pet will tolerate pain.

Do Siamese cats need a companion?

Siamese cats love company and will get lonely and depressed if left alone for long. If you spend more than eight hours a day away from home, you may want to consider getting a friend for your Siamese.

Since they are so amiable, Siamese cats will gladly share their living space with another cat. They should get along with any breed, but it would be best to pair them with a cat that matches their energy and playfulness.

A good feline companion for your Siamese can be a:

Siamese cats get along with dogs, provided your dog is cat-friendly. As Siamese felines are lively and love dog games, they will readily engage with each other. Some of the best dog playmates for Siamese cats include:

  • Beagles
  • Cocker Spaniels
  • Pugs
  • Boxers
  • Golden Retrievers

Is your once amiable Siamese acting weird? This might be the cause!

If you notice that your Siamese hides away and doesn’t interact with you as much as they used to, they could be ill or feel stressed and depressed. Since cats are prey to larger animals in the wild, when they feel sick and vulnerable, they instinctively hide, even from their cat parents.

While Siamese cats are generally a healthy breed, they are prone to particular health issues. The good news is that most of these illnesses can be managed with proper care before they develop into something more serious.

Some of the common health problems in Siamese cats are related to:

  1. Bladder and kidneys
  2. Skin and coat
  3. Weight 

Bladder and kidney issues

Felines are susceptible to urinary tract infections (UTIs) and related bladder issues, such as struvite crystals and cystitis. An improper diet can make this worse because it can alter the pH level of a cat's urine.

UTIs can progress and lead to kidney damage. Although there is no cure for kidney failure, with the help of medication and a healthy diet, you can improve your feline's quality of life. 

Skin and coat issues

Siamese cats shed considerably less than most other breeds, so if you notice your feline friend losing more hair than usual or experiences frequent hairballs, they might be suffering from some health issues.

Two common skin-related illnesses Siamese cats are prone to are:

  • The feline hyperesthesia syndrome—A Siamese’s skin becomes highly sensitive, causing them to lick and scratch excessively, which can lead to open wounds. They may also feel discomfort when touched or held, which can cause aggressive outbursts and biting, and they may even experience incontinence. FHS can appear at any age and affect a cat's central nervous system (in more severe cases). The causes of this syndrome include:
    • Fungal infection
    • Parasites
    • Food allergies
    • Allergies to particles in a cat's environment
  • Psychogenic alopecia—Siamese cats are prone to obsessive-compulsive disorders, such as overgrooming, leading to extensive hair loss. The usual causes of this condition are:
    • Chronic stress
    • Psychological trauma
    • Anxiety
    • Boredom

Weight issues

Siamese cats are full of energy and need enough exercise to maintain a healthy weight. If your cat lives indoors, you must be careful with the portions you feed them and avoid products with too many carbs to keep your cat’s weight under control.

You hurt my feelings when you call me chubby.

Source: Tabitha Favor

If your cat consumes too many carbs without being able to burn the energy, they could face the following consequences:

  1. The cat's blood sugar level could increase dramatically and then abruptly plummet as the pancreas tries to regulate it, leaving your cat lethargic
  2. The unburnt calories will turn into fat deposits

If this kind of diet persists, it can create a never-ending cycle of blood sugar spikes and drops, which can lead to your cat sleeping more, becoming less active, and gaining weight. This extra weight might cause other health problems, such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Joint issues
  • Heart disease

Make sure your Siamese is always amiable—begin with good nutrition

To ensure your Siamese cat is healthy, happy, and friendly, you must provide high-quality nutrition. The food you feed your Siamese cat should contain adequate amounts of:

  1. Animal protein
  2. Animal fat

Why is animal protein important?

Meat should be the number one ingredient in cat food because animal protein is responsible for keeping them healthy and energetic. Whatever type of food you choose—wet, semi-moist, dry, or raw—it should contain at least 50% animal protein.

Meat is the only source of essential amino acids, such as taurine and arginine, felines need for:

  • Proper digestion
  • Normal heart muscle function
  • Healthy immune system
  • Normal vision
  • Healthy pregnancy and foetal development

The best sources of protein for cats include:

You can also give your kitty small portions of beef, pork, ham, and bacon. Since these are high in fat, you should only offer them as occasional treats.

Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they need meat to thrive and stay healthy. They have a relatively short digestive tract and lack enzymes for digesting vegetables or fruit.

Because of that, you should avoid cat food high in vegetable protein and includes ingredients, such as:

Bananas, cooked carrots, and green beans are acceptable if your cat suffers from constipation, but they should be served in moderation.

Why is animal fat necessary?

Animal fat gives cat food a delicious taste, serves as an additional source of energy, and provides cats with fatty acids critical for:

  • Inflammatory response regulation
  • Normal organ function
  • Skin and coat health
  • Cell structure

The amount of animal fat in cat food should not exceed 20%.

Keeping your Siamese happy and friendly with Untamed

Untamed keeps your Siamese fit, healthy, and well-behaved.

We know what cats naturally need, so we created recipes that fulfil your feline's nutritional requirements.

Untamed meals have all your feline companion needs.

Image (c) Untamed

Every Untamed dish is:

Try Untamed today and keep your feline companion friendly at all times!

How to get Untamed for your friendly Siamese

Ordering your first trial pack is as easy as ABC. Here’s what you should do:

  1. Visit our Try Now page and tell us about your Siamese
  2. Create a tailor-made meal plan
  3. Place your order

The trial pack will be at your doorstep in a day, and you can reward your cat's friendliness with some delicious gravy or jelly meals. We'll keep you stocked up by sending you monthly supplies of our meals, and if you ever need to change anything or postpone or cancel your order, you can do it easily from your account.

Yeey! A new box!

Image (c) Untamed

Siamese cat parents who have switched to Untamed say you will quickly notice great changes, namely:



Within the first week

  • Higher energy levels
  • Tidier litter tray

After two months

  • Leaner and more muscular body
  • Improved attitude

After four months

  • Soft and shiny coat
  • Less shedding
  • Fewer hairballs

For life

  • Natural weight management
  • Efficient immune response
  • No food allergies