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Do Persian cats shed excessively?

Persians have fluffy and beautiful fur, which makes them attractive to many future cat parents, but do Persian cats shed a lot?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Their luscious and thick coats shed heavily, which can be challenging for all cat parents, especially those prone to allergies, since these kitties are anything but hypoallergenic

Untamed explains everything you need to know about Persian cats’ shedding, handling their high-maintenance coats, and factors triggering excessive hair loss, including health issues, allergies, and various parasites. We'll also share some tips on how to regulate shedding with a proper diet.

How much do Persian cats shed?

Persians shed more than most other breeds. While they lose fur all year round, the shedding intensity depends on the season. Twice a year, they change their entire coats, so you should groom them more frequently during that time. 

Brushing will remove excess hair and prevent dander (dead skin flakes found in fur) from spreading around your home, which is especially important if you’re suffering from cat allergies.

If your Persian’s fur becomes too thick, their coat might get matted. Consult a professional groomer and ask for help in that case. They’ll usually style your kitty and give them a new haircut without complications. The most common solution for Persian cats is the “lion cut”, where the body hair is cut shorter while the head, feet, and tip of the tail remain fluffy.

Even though the cold weather doesn’t affect indoor Persians, avoid cutting their coats during winter because they could catch a cold.

My coat is getting too thick, and I cannot show off my purrrfect figure!

Source: Ellie Burgin

Reasons behind excessive shedding in Persian cats

If your Persian begins to lose fur dramatically, they could be experiencing something more serious than seasonal shedding. Consult your vet because your kitty might be struggling with the following issues:

  1. Allergies
  2. Hormonal issues
  3. Stress
  4. Parasites
  5. Inadequate grooming
  6. Low-quality cat food


Persians tend to have sensitive tummies and are prone to food allergies. You should avoid specific food groups since they can cause skin irritation and hair loss, including:

  • Dairy products (such as milk and cheese)
  • Eggs
  • Grains
  • Artificial additives in commercial cat food

Food isn’t the only allergy trigger. Various drugs and environmental factors can also provoke allergic reactions. If your Persian shows the symptoms after switching to new medication or being stung by an insect, take them to the vet immediately. 

Allergic reactions commonly manifest as:

  • Rashes
  • Itchiness
  • Bald spots

Severe reactions include breathing difficulties and anaphylactic shock, so it's vital to react on time.

So, you’re saying I cannot have milk with my coffee??

Source: Reba Spike

Hormonal issues

Excessive shedding can come from hyperthyroidism, which is common in older felines. Besides sudden hair loss, you might also notice:

  • Weight loss despite a normal appetite
  • Increased thirst
  • Frequent urination


Stress and anxiety often cause hair loss in Persians. In the case of psychological issues, the hair usually falls out in patches due to overgrooming (excessive licking). Other signs of anxiety include:

  • Hiding
  • Trembling
  • Ignoring the litter box 

The best way to cope with stress is to create a comfortable environment for your feline and play and cuddle with them often.


Parasites, including mites, ticks, fleas, and lice, can cause severe skin irritation, often leading to scratching and damaging the hair follicles. Significant hair loss is common in both cases. 

It’s crucial to keep your Persian cat protected with parasite prevention products and regular check-ups, especially if you notice a change in their skin or fur. 

Inadequate grooming 

Persians’ grooming needs are quite high since they have a long, thick double-coat, which can easily matt and tangle without proper care. A regular brush won’t work for this breed—you need a wide-toothed comb to detangle and maintain their coats. Besides brushing, a steady grooming routine for Persian cats consists of:

  • Bathing
  • Claw clipping
  • Teeth brushing
  • Eye and ear cleaning

Dear diary, I think it’s time for another bath… How will I cope this time?

Source: Alex Chambers

Low-quality cat food

The most common reason for excess shedding in cats is a poor-quality diet. Persians are sensitive and need the best quality nutrients to thrive and maintain coat health. An improper diet will contribute to hair loss and make the remaining fur thin and rough.

If this has already happened, introducing a new diet can change your Persian’s skin and coat for the better. 

How to regulate your Persian cat’s shedding

Although shedding is unavoidable, you can prevent it from getting out of hand. Grooming, regular vet visits, and an active lifestyle are great ways to do this, but diet is the crucial factor in your Persian kitty’s coat and skin health. 

Feeding your feline a diet similar to their natural eating habits is the best way to provide them with all the essential nutrients they need to thrive. Since Persians no longer live in the wild and hunt small animals, such as mice, rabbits, birds, and frogs, they need lean meat and fish from the human supply chain to get adequate amounts of:

  1. Animal protein
  2. Animal fat

Animal protein

Felines aren’t vegans for a reason. Vegetables can’t deliver sufficient protein, fat, or vitamins and minerals they need to thrive and maintain a shiny coat. Persians need the essential amino acids from meat and fish, including taurine and arginine, which:

  • Strengthen hair growth and repair
  • Participate in building the muscle mass
  • Support proper organ function

Your Persian cat will metabolise some protein sources more efficiently than others, depending on their biological values (BVs). Ingredients with higher BVs will allow your feline to absorb amino acids quickly, and they’ll need smaller portions to cover their nutritional needs. Check out the BVs of the most common protein sources in the table below:

Protein type


Animal protein:


Vegetable protein:


Felines’ fur is made up of 98% protein, so this nutrient is critical for coat health and beauty.

Do I smell salmon? What are we celebrating?

Source: Lina Angelov

Animal fat

Animal fat is a secondary energy source and provides essential fatty acids, such as linoleic acid, arachidonic acid, and omega-3 and omega-6 acids, which are important for:

  • Vision
  • Reproductive health
  • Robust immune system
  • Healthier skin and coat

Products with appropriate amounts of animal fat will help repair abrasions in your cat’s skin and keep shedding to a minimum. 

Hydration is key!

If your Persian kitty gets dehydrated, their skin could dry out and start to peel. Dry skin often leads to dull and matted fur, which eventually results in hair loss. 

Cats can become dehydrated quickly since they don’t like to drink water. They should get their moisture from food as they do in the wild. 

Opt for wet food instead of kibble since it usually contains around 70% moisture. Although mixing dry food with water or broth to increase its moisture content is okay, canned food should be the basis of your Persian’s diet. 

Food that can worsen your Persian cat’s fur problem

Stay away from inadequate products and ingredients that can contribute to excessive shedding, including:

  • Grains, cereals, and sugar—Cat food with too many carbs is highly calorific. Your Persian will have a hard time digesting carbohydrates and won't get enough nutrients to maintain their coat and overall health. These ingredients also lead to weight gain and other related issues, such as diabetes
  • Unspecified meat sources—If there are animal byproducts or meat derivatives in a particular product, exclude it from your Persian's diet. Dodgy ingredients can cause various problems, including gastrointestinal issues, allergies, UTIs, and immunosuppression and nutritional imbalances, which can negatively affect your cat’s coat

How to recognise high-quality Persian cat food

Everything you should know about cat food is on the ingredients list and guaranteed analysis. A clearly defined animal protein source should be in the first place, and the list should be short and understandable. Check out the table below for the recommended nutrient ratio:

Nutrient group

Ideal percentage

Animal protein

50% or more

Animal fat

Up to 20%


Less than 3%

Can Untamed help with Persian cat shedding?

Untamed can keep your Persian and their coat healthy and pretty!

Our products have the perfect balance of all the necessary nutrients and mouth-watering taste because of:

  1. High levels of exclusively animal protein
  2. Vet-formulated recipes
  3. Ethical production methods

High levels of exclusively animal protein

Untamed contains double the amount of protein compared to the industry standard. 

Each product, whether Chocka Chicken, Tuck-in Tuna, or Full-on Fishy, is made with premium quality meat and fish, served in mouth-watering jelly and gravy. Even the notoriously picky Persians who turn their noses up at wet food cannot resist our delicacies. 

Vet-formulated recipes

We collaborate with vets on every recipe because your Persian’s health and safety come first. Our food helps prevent:

Untamed is exactly what your Persian cat needs, no matter if they’re a:

Ethically produced cat food

We care about the planet as much as we care about your kitty, so our products are:

  • Made in cooperation with cruelty-free, sustainable suppliers
  • Packaged in 100% recyclable materials

Try Untamed and see the difference in your Persian’s shedding and coat health.

There’s no more excessive shedding with Untamed!

Image (c) Untamed

Get Untamed and solve the Persian cat fur problem

Ordering nutritious and tasty food online for your Persian couldn’t be easier. All you have to do is follow these steps:

  1. Tell us about your Persian
  2. Customise your cat’s meal plan
  3. Order your trial pack

The goods will be delivered in a day. Once your Persian falls in love with our products—and they will—we can keep your cupboard stocked, making sure you never run out of delicious food for your furry friend. If you wish to change, postpone, or cancel your order, you can do it fuss-free from your account. 

Persian cat parents whose feline companions have already switched to Untamed have noticed the following benefits:


The Untamed effect

After a week

In two months

  • Improved muscle tone
  • Leaner body

Within four months

  • Sleeker, shinier coat
  • Less shedding and fewer hairballs
